Speed Dating is the most fun and safe way to meet single professionals (and perhaps that “special” one) at a local club, bar or restaurant. If you live in Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley or Ventura County, check out No Waiting Dating’s next upscale Speed Dating event and get in on the Speed Dating action!
No Waiting Dating holds Speed Dating events at local venues located in and around the areas of Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley and Ventura County. There is an equal number of single men and women (ages 40 & over) at each Speed Dating event. Each participant is given approximately 5 minutes to meet the opposite sex face to face and decide if there is enough chemistry to warrant a "full date" by discretely filling out a tally sheet. At the end of the event, the tally sheets are turned into the Speed Dating coordinator who determines the matches and notifies the singles the next day with the results. It is then up to the Speed Dating participants to make further contact. Speed Dating is a safe and fun way to "meet and greet." Register today with No Waiting Dating for the next upscale Speed Dating event in Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley or Ventura County. See you there!

At each Speed Dating event, No Waiting Dating gives you: Free Appetizers, One Free Drink and a Raffle of One Free Dinner!!!