Item: |
Foosball Music Video |

Event: |
2005 Int'l Championships (aka Hall of Fame Classic) |

Song: |
"Coming Home" |

Band: |
blu Magoo |

Sponsors: |
FoosBars; FoosManchu |

Format: |

Length: |
approx. 6 minutes |


YES...this is the foosball music video that tournament foosers all over the globe are talking about!! It is a 6-minute (approx.) music video of video footage taken at the 2005 Foosball International Championship Tournament (aka Hall of Fame Classic) at the Riveira Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The video is cut to a song called, "Coming Home" by a rockin' indie band from Chicago called, blu Magoo. This is sure to become an awesome foosball collectible in the future, so get yours today!
If you are the MAIN FOCUS of a shot where your face is shown and recognizable for 3 or more sequential seconds, get a FREE copy! This offer is for a limited time AND while supplies last.

Robert Mares
Todd Loffredo
Ali Eshragh
Bruce Nardoci
Dave Gummeson
Cara Richardville
Brandon Moreland
Debra Pflipsen
Tiffany Moore
Frederico Collignon
Cindy Head
Tom Yore
Tracy McMillin
Billy Pappas
Derek Melichar
Argentinian guy in Red shirt
2 Girls on Table 14
Guy in wheelchair
Moya Tielens
Moya Tielens' Goalie
Trevor Park
Vivian Park
Little kid on red box
Olavo Tavares
Joey Smith
Louis Ladanyi
Franco Del Pozzo
Louis Cartwright
Foosball.com: Stacey Myers
Guy at entrance by sewing machine
Jason Haberman
Tony Spredeman
Rob Atha
Henry Serate
Henry Serate's Forward?
Inside Foos: Christina Fuchs
Inside Foos: Tech with yellow shirt
Inside Foos: Jim Stevens
Inside Foos: Other announcer
Terry Moore
Adrian Zamora
Gregg Perrie
Mike Maloney
Steph Ohashi
Goalie playing against Franco & Moya
Kevin Cizek from Goat Hill Tavern
Guy in Effingham shirt
Terry Moore's female goalie in black shirt
Girl in "Brunettes Do It Better" shirt
Edmond Shahnazarian
Fadi Gobran
Pink-haired girl
Shelly Langley
Forward in backwards baseball hat vs. Rico & Head
Nancy Hiromoto & Nanella?

If you are on the list, click here to claim your video.
