Aspect & Composite Point Calculator

To calculate aspects for a certain planetary configuration (at the time, date, and location of your birth, for example), enter the DEGREE (0-29) and Zodiac SIGN (first 3 letters - i.e. Aries = ari; Taurus = tau; etc.) for the location of each planet, Midheaven, and Ascendant. Note: all fields are required. Once you've calculated the aspects, you can click on the "Composite Point" button to find out the Composite Point for your planetary configuration.

    Degree   Sign

NOTE: ASC & MC data not used in composite point calculation


Composite Point =

Your Composite Point is . This is a very sensitive point in your natal chart where events (either positive or negative, depending on the aspects) can be activated by a transit or progression.

aspects   angles   both
composite point